Alarm in United States as Chinese Special Forces
Troops Begin Arriving In Venezuela As American Plot to Assassinate President
Chavez Discovered
Sorcha Faal
Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the Military Leaders of the
States have become alarmed over the
transporting of Chinese Special Forces Troops to the South American Country of
The contingent of Chinese
Special Forces, reported to number around 350, contain both Special Reconnaissance (SR) and Counter-Terrorism (CT) troops arrived in Venezuela during
the early morning hours of June 24th in an apparent response to
Venezuela’s President request to prevent his assassination by American backed
agents, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their
article titled "Venezuela parade switched over assassination
fears" and
which says;
Investigations being conducted
by Venezuela Security Forces are increasingly showing that this latest South
American assassination plot is being organized by the United States, and as we
can read as reported by the Latin American News Agency in their article titled
"Assassination Clues in Venezuela Point
to Colombia"
and which says;
The difference though between
the actions of the Americans against Chile in the 1970’s, and now against
Venezuela during this new century lies with China, who has the second greatest
power in the world today is actively challenging the United States for world
hegemony, and specifically at the very doorstep of the United States, and as we
can read from the testimony before the United States
Congress by Peter T.R. Brookes, Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs and Director, Asian
Studies Center, wherein he states;
Of the determination of China
to protect its vital interests in Venezuela, or anywhere else in the world, the
American peoples are not being made aware of, even to China’s determination to
use military force, and as we can read as reported by the San Francisco
Chronicle News Service in their article titled "China on global hunt to quench its
thirst for oil" and which says;
Of the growing world concern
for energy resources leading to violent conflicts we can also see yet another
example in the growing crisis between Taiwan and Japan, and as we can read as
reported by the New Zealand Herald News Service in their article titled
"Taiwan sends warship to islands claimed
by Japan" and
which says;
Perhaps most tragic
about all of these escalating events are that the Western peoples of the United
States are virtually unaware of the gathering forces of Global War positioning
themselves around them, much like the Allied Forces Against Germany during World
War II.
And also like the Germans of
last century, the World is preparing the basis for the War Crime Trials to be
held against the American Military Leaders, and their citizens, and as we can
read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled
"U.N. cites reliable accounts of U.S.
torture" and
which says;
But as we have seen
so many times from these strange peoples of the
United States,
they listen to no warnings, and even worse continually ridicule all who seek to
inform them of the violent storm gathering on their horizon.