Shadow of a
As 9/11 debunkers
controversial theory lingers
By John
The blind flagwaving is receding into the rearview mirror of
history. So too is the righteous rage over suspicious questions about government
behavior in the midst of tragedy.
My friend spoke out in a supermarket
checkout line the other night that he didn’t believe what U.S. political leaders
were saying about 9/11. To his surprise, everyone in the crowded market was
eager to agree. This would not have happened a year ago.
Much of the
thinking American public already knows something is very wrong with the official
government version of what happened on September 11, 2001.
The glib
declarations that Muslim hijackers did it, now let's go bomb the hell out of
them continues to ring tinnier as more and more American kids return home in
flag-draped boxes, and the screams of dying Iraqi women and children become
louder despite the blackout of such inconvenient noises by the disgracefully
deceptive American media.
The official commission of political
functionaries continues to belabor trivial points of bureaucratic procedures
rather than tackle the obvious anomalies in the accepted version of events: the
tiny hole in the Pentagon, the way the Twin Towers fell as if demolished, the
fact that most of those cellphone calls couldn't possibly have been made the way
they say they were made, the suspicious investments, the flip-flop stories by
government officials.
The flames of the American public discontent are
fanned by an unending series of stories about U.S. atrocities overseas. 4,000
Iraqis have been raped by the invading American forces. U.S. soldiers are
returning home with bizarre and fatal symptoms attributed to depleted uranium
ammunition. Or returning home in boxes which are not allowed to be
But ironically, as a growing segment of the public thirsts
for a deeper analysis of what surely is a coverup by the Bush administration and
its lackey Kean Commission, the 9/11 truth movement appears to be losing its
focus; many major researchers appear to be going in different
Cheerleader groups like the 9/11 Visibility Project and the
9/11 Truth Alliance do the best they can recruiting supporters to help ask the
unanswered questions, and the general public finally seems ready to hear them,
dissatisfied as they are by the continuing government coverup and the
dissembling triviality of the official commission.
But ironically, as the
public becomes more receptive to allegations their government was involved in
the treasonous mass murders of 9/11, the small cadre of researchers devoted to
exposed official lies and anomalies in the government’s stories seems unable to
come up with a universally recognizable smoking gun — a real blockbuster — that
the public can rally behind, and demand an honest accounting of the government’s
dishonest behavior.
A recent 9/11 conference in San Francisco was really
subverted into a discussion about peak oil, leaving some observers worried that
the more famous researchers in the 9/11 truth movement were actually and
inadvertently working to justify Bush's war policies. One of the top researchers
early on has now become a shill for Israel, casting doubt on all the
comprehensive research he did on the military standdown that purportedly enabled
the attacks to happen.
Many of the other major 9/11 sites have focused on
small specific items that tend to confuse the public with an endless repetition
of theoretical suppositions.
After all, if one fact in the official
version is found to have been deliberately false — Was the flight over
Pennsylvania shot down? Did a missile hit the Pentagon? What if the so-called
hijackers never got on the planes? Were bombs planted in the World Trade Center?
— then the whole story is false, and should come crumbling down, just like the
But the paid-off political functionaries comprising the Kean
commission aren't pursuing the important questions. Instead, they're locked in
this pre-scripted political vaudeville with Condi Rice and Richard Clarke
debating the finer points of presidential briefings. It's a classic distraction.
The contemporary term is limited hang-out.
I mean, Osama bin Laden was
declared guilty at the outset of the commission’s deliberations on the basis of
no evidence that would hold up in a court of law. Nothing much has been said
about hijackers ever since.
Can you say Lee Harvey Oswald?
real problem seems to be that law enforcement has no interest in actually
investigating 9/11, only in assuring that the official story holds up, that the
designated culprits remain targets, thereby justifying new totalitarian laws
against freedom and validating a new U.S. foreign policy that seems aimed at
making large amounts of money for government contractors rather than pursuing
actualized justice.
Which is why the FBI can come out and say there was
nothing suspicious about pre-9/11 trading activities when the whole world knows
that there was. There hasn't been a single peep about this red-flag issue from
the official commission.
Recent weeks have brought two major revelations
among the minor details of 9/11. First, a new website revealed footage that
appears to show the jetliner that hit the South Tower firing a missile just
before impact. You can only see this in slow motion, but it's there, if you look
The other shocker actually showed up in an e-mail to me that
recounted a "power-down" situation on the upper floors of the WTC on the very
weekend before 9/11, providing a window of opportunity to plant bombs in the
towers, had anyone so desired.
And yet, something is missing. Perhaps
it's just the media blockade. Just like they won't tell you that American
soldiers are being outmaneuvered and slaughtered by the Iraqi resistance
(they're not "insurgents," they're ordinary people defending their homes against
American sociopaths — who incidentally now have no legitimate reason to even be
there — now that Saddam has been captured — not that they ever did).
far as 9/11 goes, we seem to still not have a truly significant smoking gun, at
least as recognized by the media and disseminated to the general public, even
though we have many smoldering guns, many mentioned above. But what Americans
really believe and what action is taken is all shaped by the media, which refuse
en masse to admit that everything Bush and his accomplices say about practically
every topic is a false story designed to deceive the public.
So in the
face of this media mindlock, the 9/11 truth troops are rattling, reverberating
in frustration in the echoes of their own rhetoric. They've presented plenty of
compelling arguments, but can't fight through this blanket of corporate
A couple of fertile areas for new 9/11 revelations continue
to be investigated by tireless researchers who don't do things for money like
those highly paid anchormen and reporters do. The researchers simply want the
truth; the so-called reporters who regurgitate Pentagon press releases and call
it news simply want their money.
One interesting factoid was unearthed by
Gerard Holmgren, one of the truly legendary 9/11 sleuths, who found out by
checking FAA records that two of the so-called death flights never even existed,
never took off, so they couldn't have crashed into anything, despite all the
official hype about flight times and radar tracking.
To be clear about
this, the flights Holmgren pinpoints USUALLY fly every day, but the FAA logs
reveal they didn’t fly THAT day.
The other provocative tangent being
scrutinized by several researchers (including me) seem to indicate that many of
the names on the airline passenger death lists don't appear to be real people.
There are plenty of names, for sure, but they don't seem to be matching up with
birthdates in available records. Further, certain foundations created to honor a
couple of very famous names in the mythology of the fatal day appear to have
ties to neocon businesses.
Though the state of this research is still in
its infancy, the thought that motivates this work is that if the names on the
passenger lists were not actual individuals, and at least two of the planes
never took off from their points of departure .... well, that would be another
rack of smoking guns in a situation that already has plenty.
I’ve done a
lot of radio over the past year, trying to plant the seed among the general
populace that the sheer number of lies told by the government about 9/11 merits
more than a passing outrage by a majority of U.S. citizens.
Back along
the trail, when I was chatting with Bill Boshears on WLW-AM in Cincinnati, we
received a phone call from somebody known as The Webfairy, who tried to tell us
that no planes were involved in the 9/11 attacks. I must admit I was caught off
My objective on the show was to present the basic fundamental
facts — the most understandable ones — to try to get people who hadn’t
comtemplated versions of events other than the government’s to at least
recognize there were some basic parts of the official story that were
preposterous, and many others that were very questionable.
So I wasn’t
very receptive to The Webfairy’s perspective, and frankly, we gave her the bum’s
rush out of the door (if you can do that on the telephone).
However, I
always check back on people I disagree with, to make sure I haven’t deceived
myself. What got me started on my search was something totally
I’ve always been puzzled by the apparent metamorphosis of the
Emperor’s Clothes website from the vanguard of 9/11 alternative versions right
after the terrible day to what it has become now — a blatantly pro-Israel
website that is always yowling about what bad people the Palestinians are. In my
mind, it just didn’t compute that a site that could so concisely enumerate the
flaws in the U.S. government’s story and have such incredible reporting about
the so-called military standdown that enabled these supposedly hijacked
airliners to wreak so much damage could suddenly turn and become predictable
Zionist public relations of the same stripe as Fox news and the rest of that
fascist network joke.
Since I remain convinced that Israel played a major
role in the 9/11 attacks (simply because through its neocon double agents it has
almost total control over America’s foreign policy), I mulled over how a
pro-Israeli reporter could have done so well itemizing the flaws in Washington’s
official story.
Then, the thought dawned on me. What if there were no
planes? And I took a harder look at what The Webfairy had to
Basically, her comprehensive analysis of the video footage of the
two WTC crashes has led her to believe that no plane hit either
Why? Because planes don’t cut into buildings like butter. They
splinter and explode on contact. Parts go flying everywhere.
In the case
of the Pentagon crash, for instance, the government argues that the jetliner
that supposedly hit it completely disintegrated in a fire so hot it melted every
trace of the airplane and its passengers. Disintegrated into invisibility. This
opinion made preposterous the later report that government officials were able
to extract enough DNA from the scene to identify every passenger on the
ill-fated plane.
However, in the case of the WTC, we are supposed to
believe that the facade of the Twin Towers was so flimsy that the planes could
cut into the walls like a finger into a chocolate cake without losing a single
part. Hmmm?
And then there are the videos themselves. The only view of
the first impact is known to most by now, the famous Naudet brothers video. Two
French filmmakers were supposedly filming a random event of the New York Fire
Department, and just happened to swerve their camera skyward to serendipitously
capture the final moments of the flight that hit the North Tower.
that you can barely make out the plane, because the image is so fuzzy. Is it a
plane? Was it added to the film? Were there any eyewitnesses who actually saw
the impact? I don’t know of any.
And then there’s the way the plane
disappears into the building. There seems to be an explosion before it hits. The
image of the plane, fuzzy as it is, looks square-winged, not like the jetliner
the government said it was.
Even more enigmatic is the plane everyone
“saw” hit the South Tower, the one that now turns up with an apparent extra fuel
tank on its bottom, and in one recent film analysis apparently fires a missile
an instant before impact.
But what is most curious is the impact itself.
On the famous Fairbanks video, taken from the street below, there is not only no
sound of the plane hitting the building, there is also no evidence of anything
breaking — not the wall, not the plane — just a silent, smooth entrance of a
very solid airliner into a very solid building that at that moment evinces the
solidity of marshmallow.
And what really piqued my suspicions were a
couple of comments made by The Webfairy when we were on the radio together the
other night. It is her suspicion that the Naudet brothers weren’t in the
position they were in to film a documentary on the fire department. She believes
they were there to film the apparent crash.
And further, she claims to
have discovered that the so-called Czech video of the South Tower crash was
nothing of the sort, because her frame-by-frame analysis shows, by carefully
examining the reflections in incidental windows on the film, that the camera was
riding in a fire engine, not in a car as some claim. A fire engine in which all
the crew died in the WTC collapse, by the way.
Two more little smoking
pistols to be filed away for that rainy day when freedom of speech and
government integrity are finally restored in America. I know, I know — dream
Now, I’ve heard the arguments against holograms. How could they
possibly be projected so as to be visible from so many different angles? Don’t
know. I’m not a scientist. And what happened to all the people on the planes?
Don’t know that, either. I’m not a police detective, or an FBI agent.
I do know that the government has lied about so many aspects about 9/11, and
that the reporting of the standdown was best done but someone who did not remain
true to form.
I suggest everyone take a look at
Look carefully at those film clips. Tell me
it was a plane, and not a trick. If you can ...
Some observers have
claimed that all this talk about holograms is just disinformation meant to throw
people off the track of the real story.
Yet just today I received another
e-mail talking about the advanced holography of the military that could disguise
a missile as a jetliner. But that will be tomorrow’s story.
In the
meantime, I’d just like to say, if we were a truly free country, we could all
get Al-Jazeerah on our cable TV, and then we would really see what America is
doing to the rest of the world. It’s only a matter of time, on the present
course, before they do the same things to us here in America as
John Kaminski is the author of “America’s Autopsy Report,” a
collection of his Internet essays seen on hundreds of websites around the world,
and also “The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn’t Believe the Official Version
of What Happened on September 11, 2001,” a 48-booklet written for those who
still believe what the U.S. government says about 9/11. For more information
about both, go to