And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth...
Small and very deadly, micro flying machines are being designed to swarm the battlefields of the future.
According to the Bible an unprecedented war will occur in the future. It will be fought on land and sea, in the heavens above, and in the earth below, in the physical and spiritual worlds. It will include "Michael and his angels [fighting] against the dragon; and the dragon [fighting] and his angels" (Rev. 12:7).
Heretics will join the battle, calling upon "idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood" (Rev. 9:20) to convene their evil powers against the Christian God. They will unite with "unclean gather them to the battle of that great day....[to] a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon ["Mount Megiddo"]" (Rev. 16:13-14;16).
The fowl of the air will "eat the flesh of the mighty" and hybrid locusts will sting the enemies of God until the omnipotent Christ utterly repels the forces of darkness and destroys the New World Army.
At least that's the way fundamentalist Christians believe it will happen.
When reading about the war mentioned above I find particular interest in Revelation 9:1-11 where it speaks of synthesized insectoids and arthropods emerging from the bottomless pit to join the End-time battle.
Down through time myriad preachers have terrified sinners with tales of demonic locusts bursting upward from out of the abyss and torturing unfortunate earthlings during a future time of great tribulation. Is that really what the prophet saw?
Some scholars believe 'John the Revelator' actually beheld future technologies, and that he simply referred to them in terms he understood; i.e. a military helicopter was perceived as a giant locust whose wings sounded like "many horses running to battle" (Rev. 9:9).
A report by Jim Wilson in Popular Mechanics presents evidence supporting this interpretation of the Book of Revelation. It may also shed light on a different, much older Biblical subject, 'the lord of the flies.'
"Ron Fearing has the future of warfare at the tip of his finger,"
writes Wilson. "It isn't pressing on the trigger of a laser death ray or button
of a doomsday device. It's holding a stubby-winged mechanical
"Flies are one of the most stable and maneuverable of all flying animals," he goes on to quote Fearing as saying. "They are the jet fighters of the animal world."
Evidently the Pentagon agrees and is working with engineers and biologists to create a lethal arsenal of micro-mechanical fighting bugs that combine insect aerodynamics with GPS navigation and molecular electronics.
Micro air vehicles (MAVs)
represent one of the most
fantastic opportunities for military surveillance and weapons delivery. "When
perfected," Wilson points out, "Fearing's stainless steel and Mylar robot flies
will be able to flap their way into the most secret places on Earth--the bunkers
where Saddam Hussein plans his genocidal campaigns, and where Chinese spymasters
plot their raids on America's nuclear weapons
Consider these scenarios from Popular Mechanics:
While such stratagems obviously appeal to the highest levels of US military intelligence, theologians will be troubled by glaring similarities between MAV technology and fundamentalists predictions of an end-time spiral by mankind into a cataclysmic war where locust-sized weapons are "given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power" (Rev. 9:3).
When one considers the exponential achievements of modern science and humanity's newfound interest in playing god, the inevitability of soul-free soldier-clones keeping eye on a biometric chip-implanted humanity with the help of GPS controlled micro air vehicles... well, it just kind of takes the fun out of wondering where our once-idyllic world is headed.
On the other hand, fundamentalists Christians may have been right all along. Perhaps our pretentious sciences are forcing Armageddon!
The Bible - a book repeatedly proven to possess astounding mathematical codex's and incomprehensibly accurate predictions - states that Jesus Christ will return at a future time and will defeat a well-equipped Antichrist army made of soldiers that kill without conscience. Could these be clones?
The Bible also depicts flying locust-weapons. Are these micro air
vehicles developed by the military?
We also note the 'MAVs' of Revelation 9 torment those who receive the Mark of the Beast. Are we looking at GPS enabled biometric chip implants?
Either way it's interesting to note that while the locust hoards of Revelation 9 are presided over by Abaddon and may have been created in human laboratories, the flying weapons of the Apocalypse do whatever Jesus commands, as every member of humanity ultimately will.
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