
Charles Higham's book, "Trading with the Enemy," offers ample documentation of the Rockefeller activities during the Second World War . While Hitler's bombers were dropping tons of explosives on London, they were paying royalties on every gallon of gasoline they burned to Standard Oil, under existing patent agreements . After World War II, when Queen Elizabeth visited the United States, she stayed in only one private home during her visit, the Kentucky estate of William Irish, of Standard Oil . Nelson Rockefeller moved to Washington after our involvement in World War II, where Roosevelt named him Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs . Apparently his principal task was to coordinate the refueling of German ships in South America from Standard Oil tanks . He also used this office to obtain important South American concessions for his private firm, International Basic Economy Corporation, including a corner on the Colombian coffee market . He promptly upped the price, a move which enabled him to buy seven billion dollars worth of real estate in South America and also gave rise to the stereotype of the "Yanqui imperialismo". The attack on Vice President Nixon's automobile when he visited South America was explained by American officials as a direct result of the depredations of the Rockefellers, which caused widespread agitation against Americans in Latin America .

After World War II, twenty-four German executives were prosecuted by the victors, all of them connected with I.G. Farben, including eleven officers of I.G . Eight were acquitted, including Max Ilgner, nephew of Herman Schmitz . Schmitz received the most severe sentence, eighty years . Ilgner actually received three years, but the time was credited against his time in jail waiting for trial, and he was immediately released . The Judge was C.G. Shake and the prosecuting attorney was Al Minskoff .

The survival of I.G. Farben was headlined by the Wall Street Journal on May 3, 1988—GERMANY BEATS WORLD IN CHEMICAL SALES Reporter Thomas F. O'Boyle listed the world's top five chemical companies in 1987 as 1. BASF $25.8 billion dollars . 2. Bayer $23.6 billion dollars . 3 . Hoechst $23.5 billion dollars . 4. ICI $20 billion dollars . 5. DuPont $17 billion dollars in chemical sales only .

The first three companies are the firms resulting from the "dismantling" of I.G. Farben from 1945 to 1952 by the Allied Military Government, in a process suspiciously similar to the "dismantling" of the Standard Oil empire by court edict in 1911 . The total sales computed in dollars of the three spin-offs of I.G. Farben, some $72 billion, dwarfs its nearest rivals, ICI and DuPont, who together amount to about half of the Farben empire's dollar sales in 1987 . Hoechst bought Celanese corp . in 1987 for $2.72 billion .

O'Boyle notes that "The Big Three (Farben spin-offs) still behave like a cartel . Each dominates specific areas; head to head competition is limited . Critics suspect collusion . At the least, there's a coziness that doesn't exist in the U.S. chemical industry."

After the war, Americans were told they must support an "altruistic" plan to rebuild devastated Europe, to be called the Marshall Plan, after Chief of Staff George Marshall, who had been labeled on the floor of the Senate by Senator Joseph McCarthy as "a living lie". The Marshall Plan proved to be merely another Rockefeller Plan to loot the American taxpayer . On December 13, 1948, Col. Robert McCormick, editor of the Chicago Tribune, personally denounced Esso's looting of the Marshall Plan in a signed editorial . The Marshall Plan had been rushed through Congress by a powerful and vocal group, headed by Winthrop Aldrich, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank and Nelson Rockefeller's brother-in-law, ably seconded by Nelson Rockefeller and William Clayton, the head of Anderson, Clayton Company . The Marshall Plan proved to be but one of a number of lucrative postwar swindles, which included the Bretton Woods Agreement, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation and others .

After World War II, the Rockefellers used their war profits to buy a large share of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, an African copper lode owned by Belgian interest, including the Societe Generale, a Jesuit controlled bank . Soon after their investment, the Rockefellers launched a bold attempt to seize total control of the mines through sponsoring a local revolution, using as their agent the Grangesberg operation . This enterprise had originally been developed by Sir Ernest Cassel, financial advisor to King Edward VII—Cassel's daughter later married Lord Mountbatten, a member of the British royal family, who was also related to the Rothschilds . Grangesberg was now headed by Bo Hammarskjold, whose brother, Dag Hammarskjold was then Secretary General of the United Nations—Bo Hammarskjold became a casualty of the Rockefeller revolution when his plane was shot down during hostilities in the Congo . ; Various stories have since circulated about who killed him and why he was killed . The Rockefeller intervention in the Congo was carried out by their able lieutenants, Dean Rusk and George Ball of the State Department and by Fowler Hamilton .

In the United States, the Rockefeller interests continue to play the major political role . Old John D. Rockefeller's treasurer at Standard Oil, Charles Pratt, bequeathed his New York mansion to the Council on Foreign Relations as its world headquarters . His grandson, George Pratt Shultz, is now Secretary of State . The Rockefellers also wielded a crucial role through their financing of the Trotskyite Communist group in the United States, the League for Industrial Democracy, whose directors include such staunch "anti-Communists" as Jeane Kirkpatrick and Sidney Hook . The Rockefellers were also active on the "right-wing" front through their sponsorship of the John Birch Society . To enable Robert Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, to devote all of his time to the John Birch Society, Nelson Rockefeller purchased his family firm, the Welch Candy Company, from him at a handsome price .&nubs; Welch chose the principal officers of the John Birch Society from his acquaintances at the Council On Foreign Relations . For years afterwards, American patriots were puzzled by the consistent inability of the John Birch Society to move forward on any of its well-advertised "anti-Communist" goals . The fact that the society had been setup at the behest of the backers of the world Communist revolution may have played some role in this development . Other patriots wondered why most American conservative writers, including the present writer, were steadily blacklisted by the John Birch Society for some thirty years .&nubs; Despite thousands of requests from would be book buyers, the John Birch Society refused to review or list any of my books . After several decades of futility, the Society was totally discredited by its own record . In a desperate effort to restore its image, William Buckley, the CIA propagandist, launched a "fierce" attack against the John Birch Society in the pages of his magazine, the National Review. This free publicity campaign also did little to revive the moribund organization .

The Rockefeller monopoly influence has had its effect on some of New York's largest and wealthiest churches . Trinity Church on Wall Street, whose financial resources had been directed by none other than J.P. Morgan, owns some forty commercial properties in Manhattan and has a stock portfolio of $50 million, which, due to informed investment, actually yields a return of $25 million a year! Only $2.6 million of this income is spent for charitable work . The rector, why receives a salary of $100,000 a year, lives on the fashionable Upper East Side . Trinity's mausoleum sells its spaces at fees starting at $1250 and rising to $20,000 . St. Bartholomew, on Fifth Avenue, has an annual budget of $3.2 million a year of which only $100,000 is spent on charity .&nubs; Its rector resides in a thirteen room apartment on Park Avenue .

In medicine, the Rockefeller influence remains entrenched in its Medical Monopoly . We have mentioned its control of the cancer industry through the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center . We have listed the directors of the major drug firms, each with its director from Chase Manhattan Bank, the Standard Oil Company or other Rockefeller firms . The American College of Surgeons maintains a monopolistic control of hospitals through the powerful Hospital Survey Committee, with members Winthrop Aldrich and David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefeller control .

A medical fraternity known as the "rich man's club," the New York Academy of Medicine, was offered grants for a new building by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation, its subsidiary group . This "seed money" was then used to finance a public campaign which brought in funds to erect a new building . For Director of the new facility, the Rockefellers chose Dr. Lindsly Williams, son-in-law of the managing partner of Kidder, Peabody, a firm strongly affiliated with the J.P. Morgan interests (the J.P. Morgan Company had originally been called the Peabody Company) . Williams was married to Grace Kidder Ford . Although Dr. Williams was widely known to be an incompetent physician, his family connections were impeccable . He became a factor in Franklin D. Roosevelt's election campaign when he publicly certified that Roosevelt, a cripple in a wheelchair who suffered from a number of oppressive ailments, was both physically and mentally fit to be the President of United States . Dr. Williams' opinion, published in an article in the widely circulated Collier's Magazine, allayed public doubts about Roosevelt's condition . As a result, Williams was to be offered a newly created post in Roosevelt's cabinet, Secretary of Health . However, it was another thirty years before Health became a cabinet post, due to the politicking of Oscar Ewing .

The Rockefellers had greatly extended their business interests in their impoverished Southern states by establishing the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission . It was headed by Dr. Wickliffe Rose, a longtime Rockefeller henchman whose name appears on the original charter of the Rockefeller Foundation . Despite its philanthropic goals, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission required financial contributions from each of the eleven Southern states in which it operated, resulting in the creation of State Departments of Health in those states and opening up important new spheres of influence for their Drug Trust . In Tennessee, the Rockefeller representative was a Dr. Olin West, who moved on to Chicago to become the power behind the scenes at the American Medical Association for forty years, as secretary and general manager .

The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research finally dropped the "Medical Research" part of its title ; its president, Dr. Detlev Bronk, resided in a $600,000 mansion furnished by this charitable operation . Rockefeller's general Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation's medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs . The Board, which had developed from the original Peabody Foundation, also spent some $66 million for Negro education .

One of the most far-reaching consequences of the General Education Board's political philosophy was achieved with a mere six million dollar grant to Columbia University in 1917, to set up the "progressive" Lincoln School . From this school descended the national network of progressive educators and social scientists, whose pernicious influence closely paralleled the goals of the Communist Party, another favorite recipient of the Rockefeller millions . From its outset, the Lincoln School was described frankly as a revolutionary school for the primary and secondary schools of the entire United States . It immediately discarded all theories of education which were based on formal and well-established disciplines, that is, the McGuffey Reader type of education which worked by teaching such subjects as Latin and algebra, thus teaching children to think logically about problems . Rockefeller biographer Jules Abel hails the Lincoln School as "a beacon light in progressive education ".

Rockefeller Institute financial fellowships produced many prominent workers in our atomic programs, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was later removed from government laboratories as a suspected Soviet agent .&nubs; Although most of his friends and associates were known Soviet agents, this was called "guilt by association." The Rockefeller Foundation created a number of spin-off groups, which now plague the nation with a host of ills, one of them being the Social Science Research Council, which single-handedly spawned the nationwide "poverty industry,"; a business which expends some $130 billion a year of taxpayer funds while grossing some $6 billion income for its practitioners . The money, which would amply feed and house all of the nation's "poor," is dissipated through a vast administrative network which awards generous concessions to a host of parasitic "consultants".

Despite years of research, the present writer has been able to merely scratch the surface of the Rockefeller influences listed here . For instance, the huge Burroughs Wellcome drug firm is wholly owned by the "charitable" Wellcome Trust . This trust is directed by Lord Oliver Franks, a key member of the London Connection which maintains the United States as a British Colony . Franks was Ambassador to the United States from 1948 to 1952 . He is now a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, as its principal representative in England . He also is a director of the Schröder Bank, which handled Hitler's personal bank account, director of the Rhodes Trust in charge of approving Rhodes scholarships, visiting professor at the University of Chicago and chairman of Lloyd's Bank, one of England's Big Five .

Other Rockefeller Foundation spin-offs include the influential Washington think-tank, the Brookings Institution, the National Bureau of Economic Research, whose findings play a critical role in manipulating the stock market ; the Public Administration Clearing House, which indoctrinates the nation's municipal employees ; the Council of State Governments, which controls the nation's state legislatures; and the Institute of Pacific Relations, the most notorious Communist front in the United States . The Rockefellers appeared as directors of this group, funneling money to it through their financial advisor, Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, of Kuhn, Loeb Company .

The Rockefellers have maintained their controlling interest in the Chase Manhattan Bank, owning five per cent of the stock. Through this one asset they control $42.5 billion worth of assets . Chase Manhattan interlocks closely with the Big Four insurance companies, of which three, Metropolitan, Equitable and New York Life had $113 billion in assets in 1969.

With the advent of the Reagan Administration in 1980, the Rockefeller interests sought to obscure their longtime support of world Communism by bringing to Washington a vocally "anti-Communist" administration . Reagan was soon wining and dining Soviet premiers as enthusiastically as had his predecessor Jimmy Carter . The Reagan campaign had been managed by two officials of Bechtel Corporation, its president, George Pratt Schultz, a Standard Oil heir, and his counsel, Casper Weinberger . Shultz was named Secretary of State, Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, Bechtel had been financed by the Schröder-Rockefeller Company, the 1936 alliance between the Schröder Bank and the Rockefeller heirs .

The Rockefeller influence also remains preeminent in the monetary field . Since November, 1910, when Senator Nelson Aldrich chaired the secret conference at Jekyll Island which gave us the Federal Reserve Act, the Rockefellers have kept us within the sphere of the London Connection During the Carter Administration, David Rockefeller generously sent his personal assistant, Paul Volcker, to Washington to head the Federal Reserve Board . Reagan finally replaced him in 1987 with Alan Greenspan, a partner of J.P. Morgan Company . Their influence on our banking system has remained constant through many financial coups on their part, one of the most profitable being the confiscation of privately owned gold from American citizens by Roosevelt's edict . Our citizens had to turn over their gold to the privately owned Federal Reserve System . The Constitution permits confiscation for purposes of eminent domain, but prohibits confiscation for private gain . The gold's new owners then had the gold revalued from $20 an ounce to $35, giving them an enormous profit .

In reviewing the all-pervasive influence of the Rockefellers and their foreign controllers, the Rothschilds, in every aspect of American life, the citizen must ask himself, "What can be done?" Right can prevail only when the citizen actively seeks justice . Justice can prevail only when each citizen realizes that it is his God-given duty to mete out justice . History has documented all of the crimes of the usurpers of our Constitution . We have learned the painful lesson that the Rockefeller monopolists exercise their evil power almost solely through federal and state agents . At this writing, former Congressman Ron Paul is running for the Presidency of the United States on an eminently sensible and practical campaign—abolish the Federal Reserve System—abolish the FBI—abolish the Internal Revenue Service—and abolish the CIA . It has been known for years that 90% of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, ostensibly set up to "fight crime" has been to harass and isolate political dissidents .

The criminal syndicalists are now looting the American nation of one trillion dollars each year, of which about one-third, more than three hundred billion dollars per year, represents the profitable depredations of the Drug Trust and its medical subsidiaries . Before a sustained effort to combat these depredations can be mounted, Americans must make every effort to regain their health . As Ezra Pound demanded in one of his famous radio broadcasts, "Health, dammit !" America became the greatest and most productive nation in the world because we had the healthiest citizens in the world . When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its takeover of our medical profession in 1910, our citizens went into a sharp decline . Today, we suffer from a host of debilitating ailments, both mental and physical, nearly all of which can be traced directly to the operations of the chemical and drug monopoly and which pose the greatest threat to our continued existence as a nation . Unite now to restore our national health—the result will be the restoration of our national pride, the resumption of our role as the inventors and producers of the modern world, and the custodian of the world's hopes and dreams of liberty and freedom .

The Christian Counter

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