The Agenda & Teaching
Of The New Apostolic Reformation

transcript of C. Peter Wagner, Arise Prophetic Conference, Gateway Church, San Jose, CA, 10-10-2004
with forward by Sandy Simpson, 5/23/05
I am posting the transcript of this conference in the hope that those who want to know what is going on in the churches across the world today will be able to understand the agenda of the New Apostolic Reformation.  This agenda runs through thousands of agencies and web sites.  It is what is driving the Transformations movement, the global prayer movement, and thousands of other churches and organizations.  What Christians need to realize is that they need to make a choice now.  A majority of Christian churches have already succumbed to this Dominionist agenda foisted on the churches by false apostles driven by false prophecies from false prophets.  Wagner is talking about the government of the church, under the leadership of the new foundational restored "apostles", OVERTHROWING the governments of the world. A spirit is indeed saying something to the churches, but since this is based on false prophecy rather than the written Word, you can begin to understand that this is not of the Holy Spirit speaking.  If this agenda that C. Peter Wagner is proposing and is about to pull off is not "the woman who rides the beast" I don't know what is!


Pastors announce what the spirit is saying to their church, but apostles announce what the spirit is saying to churches in general.  So, I want to get to one thing that I feel the spirit is saying to the churches, but first of all [crowd laughter and cheers]  I see you’re ready for this.  This is going to be great.

[warm up joke about whether computers are masculine or feminine]

Ok, back to what the spirit is saying to the churches [more laughter].  Ok, my, I can’t see that clock so I’ll use my own.  Alright. Now… I’m going to talk to you and you’re going to take notes, so it would be a good idea to take your note paper out now.  I’m not the kind of… someone asked me if I was going to preach today and I said no, I’m going to teach.  So you don’t have to worry about grabbing the boxes of Kleenex or anything like that [laughter].  Just grab your pencil and paper and the title of what I want to talk about is “The Church in The Workplace.” [. . .]  Now, Lee Grady said the Lord spoke to him in the year 2000 about getting into the whole idea of mobilizing women for the Army of God, and it was 2001 when the Lord began speaking to me about getting my arms around this whole thing about how God’s people in the workplace need to function.  Now, I’m a scholar, I’m now in my 34th year on the faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary, and so I do what scholars do, I start buying books when God assigns me a new area like this, and I bought books, I’ve read them, they’re in my personal library, and now I have between 90 and 100 books on this subject, and there’s a lot of good stuff out there.  If you want a good entry level book and you’re taking notes, I think Ed Silvoso’s book Anointed for Business is about the best entry level book into this field, and this is a huge, huge subject that is actually, God is requiring a paradigm shift in the Body of Christ.  Now, I tell you the nature of a paradigm shift, you’ve heard that word a lot but I don’t know if you’ve thought of it this way, the nature of a paradigm shift is a change in the way you think, see? And, so, it goes back to Romans 12:2, it says be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove as a good and acceptable perfect will of God.  Now the ministry of the heart that’s very important, ministry to other things that’s important, but I’m ministering to your mind because I want to help you think clearly about this new thing that God is saying to the churches, and that has to do with the church in the workplace.  I’m going to give you six points, six things that we need to understand, now don’t forget that I’m talking to the mind, six things that we need to understand to really understand what the spirit is saying to the churches about the workplace.

Now when I’m talking to a congregation like this on Sunday morning, the great majority of the people I’m talking to are workplace people, and I’m just so thankful that we have with us two people who are recognized in the workplace as prophetic voices, because this is very, very important about the way the government of the church takes place, which I’ll get to which I’ll get to in one of my points.  Now my latest book came out two months ago, and it’s called, Changing Church.  I don’t believe it’s on the booktable here, I don’t really send books or take them around with me, like I probably should.  But this book Changing Church has these six points in Chapter 4, “From a Church Vision to a Kingdom Vision,” so if you don’t take notes, well of course this is being taped, isn’t this Dave? Is it?  Yeah, you can get the tape or get this book, if you want a web site you can order it from arsenalbooks.com.  We do a lot of spiritual warfare, so we named our bookstore The Arsenal.  Arsenalbooks.com, you can get that book, Changing Church.

Ok, now the first thing we’ve gotta understand, number 1, is we need to understand the kingdom.  Here’s what I mean by that.  The Kingdom of God is not confined to the four walls of a local church.  That’s a very simple statement, but when you think about it, it has a huge ripple effect, see, cause a lot of people think that that’s the case.  They think where’s the kingdom of God, well it’s in our church, and that’s not the case.  See, the kingdom of God, think about this, you know as I’m trying to put this together, the kingdom of God, see, doesn’t have political boundaries, can’t join the United Nations, it doesn’t issue passports, the kingdom of God is wherever there’s an individual, and we have a whole room of them here, the kingdom of God is wherever there’s an individual for whom Jesus Christ is their king, is their Lord, see?  So, Jesus Christ is your Lord, wherever you go, the kingdom of God goes with you.   That’s why Jesus said, at one point in time, where’s the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God is within you, see?  Ok, so that is the kingdom of God.  Now, what we know about God is that it is His desire that the values and the blessings and the prosperity of the kingdom of God not just be confined to those of us who are already in the kingdom, but that they spread from us through the whole society, so that in our communities, in our cities, in our neighborhoods, in our regions, in our nations, when we look out there we see the values and blessings of the kingdom of God where we live.  That’s what Apostle C. prophesied this morning, he said things are messy, they’re bad, they seem like they’re going from bad to worse, but that’s not the will of God, the will of God is that just turn around, and we see the kingdom of God out there.  So the goal that God has now placed on the agenda of the Body of Christ in the last few years, much more than we can find in the past, is, the goal is transforming our society.  Seeing the values of the kingdom of God, that’s why Jesus taught us to pray.  You know, his disciples came to him and said, “Jesus, please teach us to pray.” And, actually, I don’t know if you every thought of this but you find that twice, one in Matthew and one in Luke, and both of those times he gave them the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father, who art in heaven,” you know that, and they’re not parallel passages. They’re a year and a half apart.  So it means that twice, Jesus’s disciples came to him and he gave the same answer, so it must be important.  And part of that prayer is, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  Now, if you believe, that’s what Jesus taught us to pray, and you pray that, which I sincerely hope you do, you expect that prayer to be answered, don’t you?  It’s not just words we’re speaking.  “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  So transforming our society, understanding the kingdom, and transforming our society is, number one.

Here’s number two.  We need to understand that there’s a church in the workplace.  I want you to write that down.  Now we need to understand that there’s a church in the workplace.  Now I’m going to give you two Greek words in this teaching.  I’m not great for quoting a lot of Greek, mainly because I don’t know very much of it [audience laughter].  When I went to seminary I did know a little Greek… he ran a restaurant on Colorado Boulevard [laughs]. But here’s the word, here’s the Greek word.  Ekklesia is a Greek word for “church;” you can spell it with two “k”s or two “c”s, whichever you want, e k k l e s i a, that’s how you spell it, that’s the word for church. That’s what I want to give you, the basic, core, root meaning of that.  The meaning of ekklesia, in the New Testament, is, “the people of God.”   That’s the church, the people of God.  In other words, most of the people, when you see somebody and you talk about church, where do you go to church, and what goes on in their mind, a building, you know, how many churches do you have, well, we have 100 churches in our city or whatever, ok?  That’s the normal understanding of the word church.  It’s a congregation that has a hierarchical leadership and all that kind of thing.   But that’s not the Biblical… that’s not bad, I’m not saying that we should just stop using the word for that, in normal use.  However, what we’ve got to understand is, that’s not what the root is, the root is the people of God.   Now, in the New Testament, that word ekklesia is used in two different ways.  It’s used sometimes to describe the people of God when they’re all gathered together, and it’s used other times in the New Testament to describe the people of God when they’re scattered out there in the workplace.  They’re still the people of God.  You understand what I’m saying?  So where do you find the ekklesia?  You find it one day a week gathered together in congregations like Gateway, or other different denominations.  But six days a week, everybody, you find the people of God in the workplace.  That’s the church.  In other words, the people of God aren’t the church one day a week, the people of God are the church seven days a week.  And so that is very, very important to understand.  I’m talking about renewing our mind, understand this paradigm shift, ok?  Now, here is the way to think about the church, ok? Remember, I just described sometimes, one day a week… I’m just saying because I know sometimes people have Wednesday night services and all that, but generally speaking, one day a week you’re gathered, six days a week the church is scattered, ok?  Now, here’s a good way of thinking about this, and this is terminology I’m very strong on, because I’ve been working on this for several years now, and I think it’s good terminology, I… You know, one of things I do is I invent new terms [audience laughter].  Nine out of ten are lead balloons that fall right down, but a few of them soar, see?  Now I’m trying to use my influence to get these terms to soar, because I know they’re important terms, ok?  Now here’s what I’m trying to say.  We are all used to sociological descriptions of the family.  We accept them as part of our daily thinking.  The sociologists tell us that there is such a thing as the nuclear family, and there is such a thing as the extended family.  Nuclear family, we all live together under one roof, our extended family, our in laws, our grandparents, and aunts and uncles and all that kind of thing, is that all the family?  That’s all the family.  But, it functions one way when you’re in your nuclear family, and it functions another way when you got your extended family together, ok?  It’s still the family.  Now this is a very useful way of thinking about the church.  We think about the church gathered together one day a week as the nuclear church, and we think about the church the other six days of the week as the extended church.  Now the reason that’s a better term than church and workplace as if they were two different things because, you see what it is, it puts in our minds the idea that it’s all the church, whether it’s gathered or whether it’s scattered, whether it’s nuclear church or extended church.

Ok, now, here are four facts about this nuclear and extended church that I want to give you.  Now, I stress the word “facts” when I gave it because these are verified by social scientific studies.  There’s a book out called, Church on Sunday, Work on Monday and the author is Lauren Nash who is a professor of business ethics at Harvard, and her co-author is Scotty McClellan who is in the Stanford business school.  These are top people.  I don’t know anything about their faith, but I know they’re expert social scientists, and they have compiled that book, from which I derive these facts.  I’m not quoting them, I’m using my own language, but these are, what I’m giving you now are not just thoughts or ideas or possibilities but they are facts, ok?  These are very important… Number one, each of these churches, same church, but each of these forms of churches has a different culture; each of these churches has a different culture.  Number two, the cultural gap between them is enormous.  Carefully chosen words, see.  Because when I got into this in 2001 I knew there was a gap.  But until that book Church on Sunday, Work on Monday I never, I never had any idea how big that gap was, between the culture under which people operate… which Christian people operate six days a week, is so different from the culture that [sic] they operate on the other day of the week.   Number three, each culture has its own rulebook.  Now, that’s just Anthropology 101, everybody knows that different cultures have different rulebooks.  Everybody knows that Japanese eat with chopsticks, we eat with forks, Japanese take their shoes off when they go home, we leave our shoes on, Japanese drive on the left, we drive on the right.  Which is right or which is wrong, it’s just different rulebooks that you operate with in different cultures and when you go into the different culture you better operate by that rulebook especially if you drive a car, don’t drive on the right [audience chuckles], you won’t last very long. And, so they each have a different rulebook.  Ok, now you got that?  Now, that leads up to number four.  Number four, most extended church leaders, you got that terminology now, most extended church leaders understand both rulebooks.  Now why would that be?  Because they operate six days a week under their rulebook out there, and they also belong to church.  So when they go to church on Sunday, they operate under that rulebook, and they know both rulebooks, they live in both rulebooks, ok?  However, most nuclear church leaders understand only one rulebook, and that’s the nuclear church rulebook, and many of them cannot understand the behavior of the people who belong to their church.  If they only knew what the behavior was under a different rulebook, it would be shocking to them.  Now one of my jobs, one of the assignments God has given me, is to help bring this together, so that we’re all… we’re not on the same rulebook, but that we perfectly understand and appreciate each other’s rulebooks, just like Japanese and Americans, in different rulebooks, and we understand that.  So that’s one of the jobs I have, I hate to tell you this, it’s not supposed to be bad news, but it’s realistic, I think it’s going to take until about 2010 to get this done, and it’s a long process, this paradigm shift, but it’s going to… I’ll tell you why it’s going to happen, that’s because it’s what the spirit is saying to the churches.  I can declare that apostolically.  The spirit is saying that to the churches so it’s going to happen.  And people who get into it sooner will be happier than people who get into it later.  [Wagner chuckles]  And so, let’s get into it!  Ok?

Now, number three.    We need to understand that Christian ministry [. . .]  number two.  I didn’t bring my PowerPoint because my PowerPoint is a two hour lesson, and we didn’t have time for that, ok?  So, this is the third thing to understand, we need to understand that Christian ministry is not confined to the nuclear church.  Christian ministry is not confined to the nuclear church.  That’s old paradigm thinking.  I gotta say, I shifted my paradigm.  I used to think that way.  In fact, I wrote whole books on spiritual gifts under the assumption that all the spiritual gifts were used in a congregational setting.  I said that.  Now, I’ve revised it.  My new spiritual gifts books are coming out next spring, and they’re basically the same core, but now I’ve revised it because I realized I was wrong, I realized that that’s old paradigm thinking, I’ve changed my mind.  Half of the time I feel like John Kerry [audience laughter], I did a flip-flop! [laughs]  Did a flip-flop!  Because if we follow that old line of thinking, that means that Christian ministry is confined to about 1% of the body of Christ.  But it’s not, see, because it says in Ephesians 4 that God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints, the saints, for the work of the ministry, the saints.  Does that mean equipping of 60% of the saints, or 80% of the saints?  No, it’s equipping 100% of the saints.  All the saints are to be equipped for the work of the ministry.  So, when do the saints do the work of the ministry?  One day a week?  No!  They do the work of the ministry seven days a week.  Which means, everybody, that what you do in the workplace is a ministry.  Understand if you’re a bus driver, if you’re a nurse, if you’re a schoolteacher, if you’re a corporate CEO, if you’re a lieutenant in the Army, ok, all the things I named, add whatever you do to it, what you do is a ministry.  Now, you’re going to say I never thought of it as a ministry.  Ok, I’m going to help you think that way by the second Greek verb, Greek word I should say, that I’m going to give you, ok?  Remember the first was ekklesia.  Now here’s the second one.  Diakonia.  D I A K O N I A.  Diakonia, you can tell that’s where we got the word “deacon” from; however, here is the… I want to give you… again, the root meaning of that Greek word.  That word diakonia, in the Greek New Testament, half the time… I’m not sure if it’s exactly statistically that way, but figure of speech… half the time that word is translated in our English Bible as ministry, ok?  So, when you hear “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry,” that’s diakonia.  That’s one of the times it’s translated in English, “ministry.”  However, the other half of the time that same Greek word is translated in English, “service.”  Now you get what I’m saying here?  As far as the original Greek is concerned, ministry and service are not two different things, they’re the same things, they’re both diakonia.  So, if you’re a bus driver, you are serving those people on the bus to get them to where they want to go.  You are serving them.   That is a ministry.  Now, some of you are probably asking in your minds, what is the difference between a job and a ministry?  Ok, let me tell you.  You won’t have time to write this down, but I’m just going to read it, because it’s… I want to get the words right, it’s so good.  Here’s the difference between a job and a ministry, ok?  “A job becomes a ministry when God leads you into the area, you take the voice of God, the anointing of God, and Biblical principles into the area as you work in ministry.”  Now, some people out there in the workplace are just doing a job, because they’re not taking the voice of God, and the principles of God, and the whole kingdom of God to that, but you are, see?  And so that’s why what you do in the workplace is, legitimately speaking, a ministry.

Number four.  The fourth thing we have to understand.  We have to understand that the church has a God-designed government.  The church has a God-designed government.  We now live, this is 2004, we now live in the second apostolic age.   The second apostolic age began in the year 2001, ok?  And in this whole first chapter in this book I argue my point, I think rather… I hope it’s convincingly, that 2001 marks, is the year that marks the second apostolic age, which means for years the government of the church had not been in place since about, you know, the first century or so.  It doesn’t mean weren’t apostles and prophets, because the government of the… the foundation of the church according to Ephesians 2:20 is apostles and prophets, Jesus being the chief cornerstone.  It doesn’t mean there weren’t apostles and prophets, it means the body of Christ hadn’t recognized them and released them for the office that they had so that they’d function as apostles and prophets in the foundation of the church.  But we now have that, I believe we’ve reached our critical mass in the year 2001.  Now I’m concentrating on apostles in this teaching, not so much prophets, you’ve got a couple more prophets coming on the scene here. But here’s the thing.   If God gave apostles to the church, which He definitely did, ok, and I don’t have to convince anyone at Gateway that He gave apostles to the church, but here is my point.  If He gave them to the church as the government of the church, He must have given them both to the nuclear church and to the extended church.  Now, the thing is, I’ve written five books on apostles already, and all my books, with the exception of a mention, maybe a paragraph, the substance of every one of my books has been on apostles in the nuclear church.  I haven’t written a book on apostles in the extended church.  So, this is new.  I know Rich Marshall, he’s from here in San Jose, he’s now writing a book on the marks of a workplace apostle, it hasn’t been published yet.  And so, we’ll find out what these characteristics of workplace apostles are very soon, but all I’m saying is the first step toward finding out is to know that they’re there.  See, because that church, the government of that church, needs to be set in place.  And the problem is that like a lot of you, you know, all you have to do is join a church and within the first six weeks you find out that where you are in the workplace you’re salt and light, see?  You all know you’re salt and light.  Everybody knows they’re salt and light, that’s a common thing.  But I tell you what, some of you have been out in the workplace, you know you’re salt and light, you don’t have to be persuaded you are, but you’ve been out in the workplace for fifteen years and everything’s just the same.  Nothing’s changed.  But you’re salt and light.  Why hasn’t anything changed?  I tell you why, it’s not because you’re not legitimate servants of God, but it’s because you’re out in the workplace different from where you are on Sunday and Sunday is very important, whether you belong to Gateway, whether you belong to a Presbyterian church, whether you belong to Jubilee, on Sunday, when the church is gathered it’s very important that you belong to… who’s your pastor, who takes care of your small groups and all, that’s very important.  But I tell you what, once everybody in all the church gets out into the workplace together, how important is it?  What church do you go to on Sunday?  It’s not very important at all.  What’s important is that you’re the people of God out there, you’re representing the kingdom of God, and you know this, but nothing has happened because the government of the church has not come into place.  See, the problem is, is that Satan has had too much of his way in our society because he has a government!  And the only way to overthrow a government is with a government.  It won’t happen otherwise.  So therefore the government of the church has to get into place in the extended church just like we do have it very well in place, we haven’t reached our goal yet, but it’s very well established in the nuclear church.

Number five.  We need to understand the full scope of the word, “workplace.”  The thing about apostles is, every apostle soon learns that God not only gives the apostle the gift of apostle, but that God also assigns the apostle a sphere, or more than one, or spheres.  And you know what?  Apostles have incredible authority, but that authority only applies to their sphere.  If they get outside of their sphere, they don’t have any more authority than anybody else in the body of Christ, and Paul writes about that in 2 Corinthians 10… I don’t have time to go through half of 2 Corinthians 10, is on that.  But here’s what I’m saying about the workplace, when we begin to identify the apostles in the workplace, we also need to recognize that part of analyzing the workplace, which is quite complex, is there are different spheres in the workplace, and there will be apostles raised up in the different spheres of the workplace.  There’ll be apostles raised up in religion, apostles raised up for the family, for education, for government, for media, for arts, for business, for all these different spheres in the workplace.  So that’s the scope of workplace.  We have a lot of work to do.  And somebody said, you know, I could never be happier being alive right now.  Neither can I.  I mean, this is going to be fun!  Seeing it all come into play!

And then, here’s what’s going to make it the most fun and this is the point number six.  I told you there were six points, ok?  And this is the last one, this is the longest one, so I’ll let you write this down because it’s very important.  We need to be fully aware of the two strategic gates for the advance of the kingdom of God that will be opened through the ministry of apostles in the workplace.  Now I said that slow so you get that down because I really worked on choosing these words.  This is well thought out.  [Repeats point six.]  Now I tell you another thing, these two gates, I tell you everybody, are not going to be opened otherwise.  Only with apostles in the workplace.  Now when I say two gates it sort of reminds you of the gates of hell.  God said, Jesus said, “I’ll build my church and the gates of hell are not going to prevail against it, and I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven to open these gates.” These apostles in the workplace are the ones that are going to come into the picture and with them we’ll be open these gates, without them we can have all the prayer meetings we want, all the marches for Jesus we want, all the prayer walking we want, the gates aren’t going to be opened. Because it takes a government to overthrow a government.

Gate number one, letter A, the gate of social transformation, the gate of social transformation.  Now we’ve tried a lot of these things, like I’ve just mentioned… marches for Jesus, prayer walking, identification, repentance… You know how long we’ve been doing this?  We’ve been doing this since 1990, since John Dawson’s book, Taking our Cities for God, first came out, this has gotten on our agenda, in 1990, fourteen years, we’ve been working on city transformation.  And I’m not talking about the mediocre leadership of the body of Christ, I’m talking about our best leadership has been into this.  And you know, we haven’t gotten a single city in America transformed in America yet.  There’s some signs in Elk River, Minnesota, a few signs in Baltimore, I mean, but nothing, past tense, transformed.  What I’ve… one of my roles, one of the assignments God has given me in the body of Christ is to find out the reason why.  And I think the reason why is because we have a missing link.  And the missing link in this whole thing is  recognizing and mobilizing and affirming and commissioning workplace apostles.  Because what we need is territorial apostles for this, and most territorial apostles will be workplace apostles, even though some nuclear church leaders, apostles, will be territorial apostles.  I just said a whole mouthful there because we’re running out of time, I don’t want to spend a lot of time, but I want to get in your mind that gate of the transformation of society will not be opened, hasn’t been opened in fourteen years we’ve been trying to do it, until we get the workplace apostles.

Ok, the second gate that will be opened only when the workplace apostles get on board is the gate of the transference of wealth.  Now, I’ll bet everyone in this room just about has heard prophecies that God is about to release huge amounts of wealth, to transfer the wealth from the Gentiles to His people.  You’ve heard those prophecies, and I’ll bet you apostles, you’ve probably given that prophecy more than once.  Ok, what I’m saying is, everybody, these prophecies are not just by a bunch of flakes.  These prophecies are the word of the Lord!  See?  And Chuck Pierce and I have worked, did some work on this, we can trace these prophecies to our best guess, to about 1992, ok?  The authentic word of the Lord is that huge amounts of wealth are going to be released.   And yet from 1992 to now, that’s been twelve years, and they haven’t been released.  So again, my role, one of my roles is, not the only one, but one of my roles is to try to get the answers as to why, and I believe there are two answers to that.  ‘Cause God’s not going to release this wealth down a black hole.  He’s going to release this wealth when it’s properly cared for, see?  And I believe one of the reasons he wouldn’t release it, even though He has promised to do it, is because the government of the church wasn’t in place, which it now is as of 2001, ok?  So, we now have the apostles and prophets as foundation of the church, and that’s in place.  Then ok, if that’s the reason, then why didn’t we get it?  Because we’re still three years more, why didn’t it come by now?  The second one is we need the workplace, the apostles in the workplace, in place.  Now, the reason we do is because there are four links in the chain of the transfer of Kingdom wealth.  The links are:  providers, managers, distributors, and field marshals.  And the objective of the whole thing is to get the wealth in the hands of the field marshals who are out there winning souls, planting churches, feeding the poor and transforming society.  The field marshals are there.  The providers are there.  That’s the link number one.  God wouldn’t even announce that there was wealth if the wealth wasn’t there.  The providers are there.  The field marshals are there.  The distributors are there, I don’t have time to explain them but the distributors are in place.  They’re not activated.  They will only be fully activated when the money’s there, because the money hasn’t come yet either, ok?  But the second link in the chain, the managers, that is where workplace apostles come in.  There are people in the kingdom of God, in the body of Christ, who have the skills to manage large amounts of money.  Now I’m not talking about tens of millions, few millions, I’m talking about hundreds of millions and billions of dollars because this is the scope on which these prophecies are based.  And there are people who manage those, the managers exist, we have people in the body of Christ who know how to handle those funds; however, they’re not connected with the other three links.  And that is what needs to happen and will happen so that the prophecies about the transfer of wealth will be… that gate of transference of wealth, will be opened.  Look what it says in Isaiah 60:11.  Don’t bother looking in your Bibles, but I just want you to write down Isaiah 60:11.  “Therefore your gates shall be opened continually.  They shall not be shut day or night that men might bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles.”  This gate will be opened when we understand about the church in the workplace, that the church has a government, that it takes a government to overthrow a government, and when we understand this, if we renew our minds, if we embrace this paradigm shift, if we see, if we hear what the spirit is saying to the churches, if we recognize ministry in the extended church and government in the extended church, the revival we’ve been praying for is just around the corner.  We will see it.

Let me pray for you.  Heavenly Father, I thank you.  I thank you that you have allowed us to live in a time like this!  I thank you that you have allowed us to live in a time when your spirit is working in the body of Christ.  I thank you that we have government in the body of Christ.  I thank you that we have apostles and prophets just like we have in this conference, and that this spreading throughout our nation, spreading throughout the nations of the world.  I thank you Father for this new season that we’re in.  I thank you that you allow, that you do give us ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the churches.  And now I pray for every individual here, before you, who is in the workplace, who tomorrow and in the days to come will be going out to their ministries in the workplace, and I impart to them an anointing, I impart to them an anointing for not seeing a job, but seeing a ministry in the workplace.  And I impart an anointing to them and to this whole community to recognize and raise up apostles who will set the church in the workplace in order so that our cities, our communities, our states, and our nations will be transformed for Your glory, in Jesus’ name.

... end of transcript ...


The list of people involved in the New Apostolic Reformation is far too long to list.  But there are key players and we would like you to know who they are.  Some of these people are listed as apostles, some prophets, some pastors, and some claim to hold all the offices or new hybrid designations. Of course the list has to start with Apostle C. Peter Wagner of Wagner Leadership Institute who calls himself a "super apostle".  There are dozens of other organizations he is the "apostle" of such as Global Harvest Ministries, Mission America, Lighthouse Movement, International Coalition Of Apostles, Wagner Publications, and the National Prayer Committee. Some of the key people featured on the video clips we will be showing you who are involved in C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation and his International Coalition Of Apostles and who have taught at the Wagner Leadership Institute are as follows (show pictures): Apostle and Overseer John Eckhardt of Impact Network, Crusaders Ministries in Chicago, Illinois; Apostle Chuck Pierce of Glory Of Zion Ministries International and Global Harvest Ministries; Apostle, Prophet & Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International Ministries Network; Apostle Jim Laffoon of the International Apostolic Team of Morning Star International; Prophetess Cindy Jacobs of Generals Of Intercession and Women's Aglow Fellwoship; Senior Pastor Ted Haggard of New Life Church Colorado Springs (where the Wagners attend) and Global Harvest Ministries; Prophet Mike Bickle formerly of the Kansas City Prophets and now of Friends Of The Bridegroom and International House Of Prayer; Prophetess Mary Crum of Life Center Ministries and Christian International Ministries Network; Senior Pastor Jack Deere of Evangelical Foundation Ministries and Trinity Fellowship Church of Amarillo, TX; Prophetess & Senior Pastor Barbara Yoder of Skekinah Christian Church of Ann Arbor, MI; Apostle & Senior Pastor Dutch Sheets of Springs Harvest Fellowship of Colorado Springs, CO, Fuller Seminary and Dutch Sheets Ministries. Some other prominent names from the Wagner Leadership Institute and the International Coalition Of Apostles are the following: Intercessor Alice Smith of the US Prayer Center, America's National Prayer Committee, International Reconciliation Coalition and International Spiritual Warfare Network; Intercessor Doris Wagner, wife of C. Peter Wagner, co-founder of Global Harvest Ministries; Apostle George Otis, Jr. of The Sentinel Group, producer of the Transformations video series; Pastor Bob Beckett of The Dwelling Place Family Church; Professor Charles Kraft of Fuller Seminary and Deep Healing Ministries; Senior Pastor David Cannistraci of Evangel Christian Fellowship; Mr. Eddie Smith founder of the US Prayer Center, America's National Prayer Committee, the U.S. Lausanne Committee, Mission America, the International Spiritual Warfare Network, the World Prayer Advisory Council, and the International Reconciliation Coalition; Teacher Ed Silvoso founder of Harvest Evangelism, Inc. and the Lighthouse Movement; Apostle Dr. Belcher member of the CFNI Executive Management Committee, Director of the Institute Emeritus, President of the CFN Alumni Ministers' Fellowship, instructor for The School of Pastoral Ministry; Senior Pastor Ernest Gentile founding pastor of Christian Community Church in San Jose, California; Intercessor Frank Hammond of Children's Bread; Mr. George Barna of  Barna Research Group, Ltd; Pastor & Intercessor Jill Griffith of Wagner Publications; Writer Jim Rutz of Open Church Ministries and a freelance writer for groups such as, World Vision, Wycliffe, Youth for Christ, Prison Fellowship, the Lausanne Committee, Jews for Jesus, and Intervarsity; Writer Ken Gire of Wagner Publications; Apostle & Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong of Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore; Pastor Linda Rios Brook of Lakeland Foundation, Inc. and Linda Rios Brook Ministries; Teacher Lora Allison founder and President of Celebration Ministries; Senior Pastor Naomi Dowdy Founder/President of Global Leadership Network and the Theological Centre for Asia in Singapore; Author Quin Sherrer author of Pray For Your Children and Good Night Lord; Apostle Rich Marshall founding pastor of Springs of Life Fellowship, Sunnyvale, CA; Senior Pastor Robert Heidler of Glory of Zion Outreach Center, Shekinah Messianic Ministries, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, and Glory of Zion International Ministries; Senior Pastor Stephen Mansfield of Belmont Church in Nashville, Tennessee.; Pastor Terry Teykl of Aldersgate United Methodist, Houston, TX; Author Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, Associate Publisher for Wagner Publications; Pastor David DeBord, Executive Director of The Christian Pastoral Counseling Center of Pasadena and of Deep Healing Ministries; Pastor & Author Barbara Wentroble of Wagner Publications; Senior Pastor Ché Ahn of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California, and the founder and president of Harvest International Ministries; Author Stan DeKoven of Wagner Publications and over 20 books and numerous study guides; Author Hector Torres founder and president of Hispanic International Ministries and Coordinator to the Hispanic world for the World Prayer Center based in Colorado Springs; Senior Pastor Michael Fletcher of Manna Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina and founder of A.R.C. Ministries (Assisting Romanian Churches); Senior Pastor Larry Jackson of  Bethel Outreach International Church in Charlotte, NC.  At the last REPORT FROM THE APOSTOLIC COUNCIL OF PROPHETIC ELDERS --WITH FOCUS ON CUBA of January 10-11, 2002 written by Chuck Pierce, those "apostles" attending were Wesley and Stacey Campbell, Jim Goll, Bill and Evelyn Hamon, Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Jim Laffoon, Bart Pierce, Chuck D. Pierce, Rick Ridings, John and Paula Sandford, Michael and Andrea Schiffmann, Gwen Shaw, Dutch Sheets, Sharon Stone, Tommy Tenney, Hector Torres, Peter and Doris Wagner, and Barbara Wentroble.