USA To Outlaw Christianity

 New Hate-Crimes Law To Make

True Christianity Illegal in America

Above Picture: Babylon's chief Goddess Ishtar aka as "MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS" as well as Goddess of Liberty/Freedom. In the above picture she is holding the torch of liberty/freedom that enlightens the world with the occult enlightenment of Utu the Sun-god (aka Shamash ). This is a pose reminiscent of the Statue of Liberty - which is an artistic rendering by Sculptor Bartholdi of Roman Goddess Libertas - which was an early Roman copycat religion they borrowed from Babylon's Ishtar doctrines. Ishtar and Babylonian religions co-existed together and no "hate crimes" were allowed. 

 A new law has passed the US Senate and awaits US House approval that would essentially outlaw Biblically conservative, fundamental Christianity. The new law would prohibit “hate-speech” sermons and teaching that is negative towards any race, religion, sexual gender or “sexual orientation.”

 Should a Christian, whether a layperson or an ordained minister speak out and teach against homosexuality, abortion, adultery, or any other doctrinal issues that the Federal government might decide to rule as a hate crime.

 Yes, you read that correctly. America’s lawmakers are putting the final touches on a new law that would outlaw  the Bible and make the historic, fundamental doctrines of Christianity a crime. No longer would a minister be able to preach or teach from the pulpit anything negative about any sexual activity or anything that  would be perceived as “hateful incitement.”

  This legislative move will eventually constrict all doctrines and the historic dogmas including:

  #1.  the central dogmatic tenet that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for the sins of the world

  #2.  as a substitutionary atonement for which salvation from eternal damnation can be achieved

  #3  by a freely offered gift from God through faith alone

  #4.  and not by human efforts.

 In other words, the Christian doctrines of salvation will also eventually be ruled as a “hate crime.”

 So what new law are we talking about?

  US Senate bill S. 933 proposed by the Illuminist Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachussetts as S. 966 in  2003 was indeed stopped in 2003 but in the summer of 2004 it was quietly inserted into a Senate defense spending bill and hidden inside a bundle of legislation. The bill just passed in the US Senate by a vote of 65 to 33 is called the: Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act (S. 933), a pro-homosexual hate crimes bill. It now goes to the House of Representatives for final approval. This bill has also been identified as Senate bill, S. 966

  This new law, if it is enacted as it now appears will happen, will give the federal government wide powers and discretion to go after the true body of believers in Jesus Christ and at the least “persecute” Christians. Most likely it will be used as a threat to turn Churches into adopting a new Babylonian religion of quasi-Christianity that will become a 1-world religion, or at least that is the plan. We suspect that God will have something to say about this, in a judgment upon America, The Babylon.

  For those churches and believers who will stand up and noisily oppose the new law by attempting to assert their right of “free speech,” such churches and individual Christians will likely find themselves under arrest and ultimately at some future point labeled a “terrorist” against society and be dispatched to concentration camps much like the Guantanamo camp for Al Qaeda terrorists. At some future point, we can expect that Christians who don’t conform and instead speak out and commit “hate-crimes” speech will be arrested and become part of the prison camp system to eventually be executed at a still later time as an enemy of the “state” or an enemy of humanity i.e. religious “terrorists.” They will make no distinction  between an Al Qaeda terrorist and a conservative, fundamentalist Baptist, Pentacostal, Presbyterian, Charismatic, Non-Denominational, Indepen-dent, Lutheran – Missouri Synod, and other conservative, Protestant church groups. You may even see a few Catholics committed to the prison camps for elimination also.

  Many conservative premillennial, pretribulation, conservative, Bible prophecy students and scholars have decried the claims of a few fellow biblical prophecy scholars and students who’ve argued that America is Mystery Babylon and not Iraq or the Roman Catholic Church.

  The RCC or Iraq = Mystery Babylon proponents have used the argument that Mystery Babylon kills the saints and the righteous people of the Earth (see Revelation 17: 6 & 18:20, 24 & 19:2). Those who oppose the theory that the USA is Babylon try to claim that America has never done that and thus can not be the Mystery Babylon.

  We would argue against such false conclusions from two strong points.

 #1. We can assert that America already is and has slaughtered millions of innocent victims. The wholesale death of the American Indians by US forces from the 1700’s forward along with all of the aborted babies. The of course we assert that the US leadership (Illuminati leaders) ordered fellow Illuminist, Adolf Hitler and his “illuminated” Nazi’s to kill the Jews and create the Holocaust of World War 2. In addition to that, US leaders ordered fellow IlluministJoe Stalin to purge Russia of not just Jews but also millions of Christians during the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. But that’s not all, these same Illuminist leaders also ordered Illuminist Mao Tse-Tung and his Red Chinese army to slaughter up to as many as 70 million innocent men, women and children, of whom many were Chinese Christians.

 See the following links for verification sources from the works of Antony Sutton. You can download his books FOR FREE at the links below and read them for yourself:

Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler

Wall Street & The Bolshevik Revolution

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

 Also another related article on same issues here:

Countdown to World War Three by Dr. Henry Makow

  The above are just for starters. There are other publications out there with more documented evidence that America’s leaders have the blood of millions of innocents on their hands and its been going on since the founding of the nation itself. However …

 #2. There is still time in the future for more blood to be shed by America, including a wholesale slaughter of true, bible-believing Christians in actions taken in the very near future.

 To dismiss America as not being Mystery Babylon (just because historians and the media do not teach or proclaim America’s guilt for a lot of innocently spilled blood of millions) doesn’t mean America is not guilty.

  If America’s political, governmental and financial leaders exercised control over Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Japan, and Mao Tse-Tung, then America is covered with more innocent bloodshed than all other nations in human history combined. To then say that America’s hands were not covered with the innocent blood of the saints and prophets during the past 200+ years is crazy. It means that truly, once again, only America at the present moment fits all of the written character traits of Mystery Babylon Bible Prophecies. 

   If the Bible Prophecy scholars/students who think America cannot be Mystery Babylon can reject the facts of America’s past bloodshed then they are free to claim that the USA can’t be Mystery Babylon because

 America won’t kill Christians in the future. That means they’ve got to really be confident in something that they have no clue about.

  We would argue to the contrary with strong, documented proof that the US has indeed done killed tens of millions of innocent people. But if someone still needs proof that the USA is capable of further bloodshed of innocent Christians then this new law will be the first eye-opening step towards further fulfillment of America’s future doom.

  Yes, this new law should be a shocking “eye-opener” to those thinking America is and will remain a great Christian nation right up to the return of Jesus Christ. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

  This new law will give the green light to the US to directly fulfill the Babylon prophecies. Now the US will be able to openly and directly begin at first to merely silence true Christianity before beginning the blood-letting to kill off the true believers in Jesus Christ.

  Bible-believing churches will be outlawed in America and it will be sooner rather than later. The idea of proclaiming and teaching the fundamental, sound doctrines of the Bible including the very issue of salvation will become a capital crime worthy of being beheaded. This will become a world-wide law that will result in the beheading deaths of millions of Christians.  

  Now the question becomes, what are American Christians who read this going to do about it? If you are reading this and you are an American who is a Bible-believing Christian what are you going to do about this news? Are you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically prepared to suffer for His namesake and His Truth?

  Are you REALLY prepared to die a martyr’s death for Him? Are you prepared to be led to a head-chopping block or a guillotine and die for your belief’s that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for the sins of the world and that sins are forgiven on the basis of Grace through faith alone and not by our own efforts?  Are you really prepared to die for that?

  One thing you can do and should do is email this article to as many friends as you can. Let them know what is about to happen. Believers in Christ need to be aware of this development coming to America. It’s just happened in Canada and in some countries in Europe but its about to now happen in America.

  Time is limited for us as believers. Our window of opportunity to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ is about to be shut for good in America. It has been shut in Canada and the windows are shutting or about to shut around the world. Now is the time to be putting on the final preparation touches for persecution and martyrdom. We cannot count on the Rapture to rescue us from this coming mess. We must not be like the Christians in China before the communists began liquidating Christians by the millions who expected Jesus to return and save them and thus were not prepared for the suffering to come. We must be prepared, emotionally, mentally and spiritually for the tortures yet to come before He Returns to rescue His church.

  What are we saying? We're saying that no matter what your view of the rapture is, you should expect and prepare to meet a martyr’s death no matter where you may live in this world. There is no guarantee that the rapture will occur before a world-wide persecution that could begin even before the fulfillment of the Tribulation. (Please read Matt 24:29 . . . IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation; Rev. 20:5 . . . this IS THE FIRST RESURRECTION (after the tribulation) - Gaylene)

  In other words, a lot of martyrdom could come for Christians everywhere on the planet even before a Pre-tribulation rapture should or would come. There is no guarantee that Jesus returns and raptures the Church before martyrdom sets in globally? It’s happened before again and again and it looks like it is about to happen yet again, only this time, also in America.

  It will take awhile for full blown martyrdom develop here in America but unless He returns first or He implements the first Babylon fire-judgment on America before the rapture, it looks like that within a few months or years depending upon events, we will see Christians being locked up for their beliefs only and eventually executed for those beliefs.

 It will happen sooner than we realize and when it does, we will wonder how is it that this happened so fast? People will languish in prison camps thinking about the short time prior when there was freedom of religion that permitted people to believe in the sound doctrines of the Bible.

 Are you prepared? Are you ready? NOW, is the time to get ready. Steel yourself in memorized teaching of sound doctrine. Memorize scripture and especially the important scriptures for salvation and faith in God and as much of the New Testament epistles as possible.

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